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  • 279 Comments sorted by
  • This time we have a strong resistance and history as a teacher.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • This whole holocaust denial thing is what’s really scaring me. As you say, when the politicians and media can get away with blatantly calling black white and when ( some) of the population don’t have the intelligence or the desire to discriminate anyway, not to mention the fact that the education system is failing them miserably, then where will this end? I get the impression that many find this whole post-truth thing and politicians’ fighting amusing. History is being driven out of the curriculum, as is self expression in the arts. Millions of people use corporations and products they know ( or should know) are corrupt, cynical and harmful ( I’m looking at you, social media users! - sweeping statement there from me but you know my stance) and they would rather be part of the self- harming herd than be huddled helplessly in the minority corner.
    I recognise that SM has its uses..how else would we know what team Frapp are up to...but I still see it as deeply insidious and dangerous in profound ways that are only just starting to unravel.
    Anyway...I’m ranting. Must go and WD40 those hinges on my sandwich board...it’s been left out in the rain to rust and no ones been reading it!
  • Michael Gove And wood burning stoves. Lucky my GP said I have better than average blood pressure this week.
  • 'False philosophers have beclouded educated but sequacious minds'.
    John Gardner.
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • 'The hottest fires of hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality'.
    Dante Alighieri

    This one is particularly on point for what is happening in American politics at the moment.
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • Fortunately, fire plays a rather small role in Dante's Hell.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • May is now in a dilemma with the vote in the Irish Republic to legalise abortion. Does she support, even push for a referendum on a similar question in Northern Ireland and upset her DUP masters ( the ones keeping her in power to who she paid over £1B to bring them onside), who are ultra pro right and think abortion is a sin against God, or does she try to keep out of it and condem Northern Ireland to be the only region in the UK and Ireland where woman do not have the choice.
    As she's crapping herself about staying in power, I suggest she will try the latter.
    At this point, I would like to bring in our Norn Iron correspondent @Low
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • This week could be Theresa May’s last if only the whole of the Labour Party could put their differences to one side and vote together, along with the growing numbers of Tory MP’s who are opposing Brexit (at least a hard Brexit) and vote through the sensible ammendments passed by the House of Lords on the current car crash that is Brexit. If they do, May is toast and this hateful bunch of corrupt self interested toss pots could be condemned to the dustbin of history.
    Instead, I fully expect the Tory waverers to put career before country and conscience as usual and certain labour MPs with a grudge against Jeremy Corbyn to put their petty revenge before common sense and vote with the Tories and our decent to Apocalypse to continue at full speed.
    Post edited by Urban_Tribesman at 2018-06-11 09:34:58
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • I say this, by the way, as a not habitual Labour voter but enough is enough and the country, like the USA, needs to be freed from the Albatrosses that currently hang around its neck.
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • Only one thing more nauseating than the visit of the Rapist-in-chief - the Tories queuing up to suck his tiny dick
    Post edited by whispered at 2018-07-13 16:45:21
  • This pursuit in the gutter press of Corbyn over 'Antisemitism' is a complete crock of shit.
    The only link you can find is his utter condemnation of Israeli Govt policy and action in respect of the Palestinians. I posted in Twitter today that it's a rum old world where an allotment keeper with awards for his many peace initiatives is vilified and demonised in the alt right wing press while the hate fill war monger who orchestrates the brutal killing of unarmed women, children, babies and medics going to their aid is allowed to hide behind 'special words' and is facilitated by our Government and given a free ride by the media.
    The whole Corbyn/A-S thing is about turning the British public against him to counter his recent rise in popularity and the fact that the public have cottoned onto just what a shambolic shit show the Tories are making of everything they touch, while they line their own pockets, promote the interests of the ultra rich and callously disadvantage the old, the poor and the needy. And I haven't even mentioned their wanton destruction of the NHS to maximise profits from privatising huge swathes of it.
    Police, Fire, Community Care, Schools, the Windrush Scandel, Islamaphobia, Brexit - everything they touch is plague ridden. And then there's Boris Johnson.
    Truly sickening. What with them over here and the demented,narcissistic bloated Orange moron in the White House, the world does seem particularly shit at the moment.
    What we need, is a revolution.
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • whispered said:


    We can all do our bit.
    Be Aware
    Question and research anything you are given as fact - take nothing on merit or at face value.
    Inform others to make them aware.
    Try to be as selfless as you can. What's good for the many is usually not bad for the one.
    Always consider 'why are you holding this view? What do you have to gain?'
    Ultra rich people are usually only interested in the accumulation of yet more wealth and influence. Not all, but many. It's a disease. They are scant few philanthropists about these days and if you know of them, they should be lauded as an example of what possibilities wealth gives to the truly socially aware.
    If you read it in the paper, it's probably been spun to make a good story and manipulate certain groups.
    Sadly, now add the BBC into that line above. In the last 6 years, senior management posts have been given to old Tories to steer the Coporations direction.
    If you believe all you read about Corbyn, he's been a really busy boy for a bloke who grows marrows on his allotment!
    Trump really is a narcissistic, bullying sack of shit.
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • It's really uncertain time for Britain. Brexit looming around the corner... Economic recession is imminent whet GB is gonna be cut of European markets.

    As for austerity - Germans did that in early 2000's, look where they are now. But you must do it wisely.
    Post edited by Turqs at 2018-08-19 04:59:20
  • This 'clean break' Brexit talk of Jacob Rees-Mogg and the rest of that crew is so cynical. It sounds kind of decisive and surgical. But the reality is that we are about to leap out of a metaphorical aircraft at 20,000 feet. Some of us are saying, 'Let's make sure we have a parachute, and a spare maybe too'. The Tory millionaire club replies, 'Oh no, a clean break is better' and is just shoving us out the door.

    As we fall, they will be staying with the plane, jetting off to Mustique with a cargo-load of unused parachutes to flog.

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