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  • 279 Comments sorted by
  • I read a depressing ( if true!) “ statistic” that half of all millennials blame baby boomers for the F Up that is modern Britain. Just deepening the divide, or rather, yet another divide and it’s not just in this country. I don’t think it’s a case of the public needing to wake up and smell the coffee, I think the majority of people simply don’t understand politics, not even the most basic concepts of what right and left stand for. This whole Briexit mess is far too complicated for anyone to understand, even those, like me, who have tried to keep up up to now.
  • Interesting that May said today at PM question time that there was more funding in the NHS, more funding for schools and more funding for Community Care. Now, Ii know from personal experiance that the first and the last are bollocks and I am sure Kat, you can shed light on the middle one.
    Community Care has been devestaed under this government. When my Mum was receiving it, the quality and availability of it dropped significantly over the last 8 years ( since 2010 coincidentally - I wonder what happened then?). She sat in hospital for days at a time after she got better ( at risk of picking up a HAP -Hospital Aquired Pneumonia) because she could not go home because the social care arm could not pick her aftercare up. That is one of the reasons why A & E's are so busy and why hospitals are so full because people like my Mum could not go home. It's called bed blocking in the media.
    Don't get me started on NHS funding. While it is not a lie to say it is at record levels, the overall NHS budget has to rise by approx 4% per year to keep ahead of an increasing population, an ageing population (it's a victim of its own success here) new and improving drugs and improving techniques and technology. Every Government has done this since the NHS started, with a few exceptions (all Tory surprisingly) but since 2010 (that date again) it has been only 1.4%. This is the lowest annual rise in its 70 year history. It's been 8 years now and things are starting to get desperate, hence 10,000 vacancies for Doctors, 40,000 for Nurses and 100,000 vacancies overall.
    No wonder it's pretty fucked at the moment.
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • And that breast screening oversight reported yesterday blamed on a “ computer glitch”.... the whole developed world is doomed then, but at least we can blame the Russians. ( dons sandwich board and trainers).
  • Jon Snow ended the Ch 4 News last night almost imploring people to go out and vote in the local elections today. I don’t think he meant for the Tories.
  • There is some major league skullduggery going on. Last night, the Tories used a three line whip (as stiff as it gets - defy the whip and you get suspended or, at worst, deselected -sacked in other words) to make Conservative MP's vote against a Labour motion for all documentation around the 'Hostile Environment' for immigrants and the Windrush Scandel, to be released for scrutiny to find out where it all went wrong.
    Both of these started under Mays tenure as Home Secretary in 2010. When Sajid Javid accended to be home sec on Monday, he stated ( as a man from an ethnic minority family himself) that he wanted fairness for the Windrush generation and, above all, transparency. Then by Wednesday, Maybot is forcing every Tory MP to vote against transparency. Rumour on social media is that somewhere in that documentation is evidence of May's mishandling of the affair and possibly even racism. If so, it could end her tenure as PM and thus the whole present administration.
    Post edited by Urban_Tribesman at 2018-05-03 08:21:56
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • The other thing annoying me at the moment is Tory trolls who keep mentioning that 'you can't vote for Corbyn as he is anti-Semitic' . Now, you may say Lsbour has not done enough to route this out in the party, but the crass hypocrisy of these people who accuse him of this, when he, himself, is not, and then defend the Torys over Windrush and Grenfell and the BHS and Schools and the Police and Social Care etc. They are trying to weaponise the antisemitism row to cover their own significant misgivings. Any other time, they don't give s shit about the Jewish cause ( one Tory candidate was even caught in a blog saying someone was 'sweating like a Jew in an attic') and do using it in this way is, in itself, antisemitism.
    Oh, and one of the most common reasons given by Torys as to why they could never vote Labour is Diane Abbott. For those not in the UK, Diane is shadow Home Secretary and is a black lady.
    Hypocrites the whole lot of them.
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • As for Kanye West’s comment about slavery....what a complete tw*t. ( That wasn’t twit).
  • It reminded me of another “ news story” I read online ( I really have to stop sifting the diarrhoea on AOL but I check in to play the game of sorting the real from the fake news) about a recent survey that supported the idea that the majority of women have rape fantasies and that women themselves condone the rape and violence against women culture in the media.
  • Don’t you think there’s a concerted drive being lead by someone ( even my conspiratorial snout can’t sniff out who exactly) to desiccate society, pitting women against women, white against non-white and vv, “ indigenous” against migrants, North against South, Reamainers against Brexiters, straight against gay, religious against secularists, the list goes on and on and is nothing new, but these days the media seems to want to portray an ever increasing fracturing of social lines. I can’t decide if it’s a case of art imitating life or the other way round, but we are being lead to believe that there is more hostility and antagonism under every rock. I’m sensing this is true but I think the media are partly to blame for stoking this and enflaming a blame culture. I’m probably talking drivel and need to go and meditate in a field of cabbages.
  • The point I’m trying to make, badly, is that I’m confused as to whether the splintering on the macrocosmic scale is leading to more splintering on the microcosmic scale or is it the other way round?
  • @kat It's all territorial pissings if you ask me. It's been like that through History- if you make someone 'less than' it's easier to demonize, conquer and control without the guilt. I think the chaos that is created from that way of thinking is rooted in Human laziness. Why work if I can just demonize someone and take what they have? All Wars start this way-
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • KatRobin said:

    Don’t you think there’s a concerted drive being lead by someone ( even my conspiratorial snout can’t sniff out who exactly) to desiccate society, pitting women against women, white against non-white and vv, “ indigenous” against migrants, North against South, Reamainers against Brexiters, straight against gay, religious against secularists, the list goes on and on and is nothing new, but these days the media seems to want to portray an ever increasing fracturing of social lines. I can’t decide if it’s a case of art imitating life or the other way round, but we are being lead to believe that there is more hostility and antagonism under every rock. I’m sensing this is true but I think the media are partly to blame for stoking this and enflaming a blame culture. I’m probably talking drivel and need to go and meditate in a field of cabbages.

    You are completely right. Humans are deeply social animals, and are impelled to help each other out in times of hardship. This is why, over and over again through history, people on the bottom of the pile have banded together to form support groups, trades unions, religions, and the rest. And why, over and over again, people on the top of the pile have had to work tremendously hard to break up these social organisations, to turn us against each other, to persuade us that the enemy is not the people on the top who are using the rest of us, but our fellows in the support group/union/religion etc.

    Mind you, there is an intrinsic dialectic to the process of banding together for support, of course, which is that the stronger you make the bond to the "in-group", the more you are likely to demonise the "out-group". So the bad guys have a ready made  tension to exploit there.

    Sheesh. Why does anyone bother studying history, sociology, politics and the rest? There it all is, in less than 150 words.

    Post edited by whispered at 2018-05-04 04:32:05
  • The media in the UK, and I suspect in most countries, is owned and run by the right wing, the billionaires, the Aristocracy, and their raison d'être is the acquisition of wealth and power and the retention of the same. It's how they exist, how they measure themselves and they believe that subjugation of the poorer classes is their right. They lie, obfuscate, manipulate and spin story's until the 'truth' suits their view and perception of world events. Now you expect this of the tabloids. They are nothing more than comics anyway and any association with the truth is purely accidental. What has changed in the last year is that previously trusted and respected vendors, such as the BBC, are now blatantly peddling a distorted version of reality and supporting the right wing agenda. The chances of a Labour government are now higher than any time since 2010, and this has scared the bejeebers out of the Torys, and they are now in full Defcom 1 mode, bending any story to paint the Labour Party as Marxist and Commie nutters who are hell bent on the distruction of the country. Brexit is a shambles. Racism is endemic in the country, a genie let out of the bottle by Brexit and now openly peddled by all and sundry. The Windrush Scandel should have finished Thersea May, as it did Amber Rudd but, as in the USA at the moment, lying and complete denial is now an acceptable stance for politicians like never before. It's sickening to see. The Tories will stop at nothing to stay in power. I have huge doubts over the Skripal affair, as I do about the chemical weapons attack in Syria. Until the people of this country and the USA wake up from their current stupor, evil will remain exultant in politics.
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • If I were dead, could I do this?
  • This is what Facsism looks like.
    This is America 2018 under Trump. It's the same here in the UK. Peoples minds are being controlled. We laughed in the 70's when people would be seen wearing tinfoil hats!
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

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