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  • 279 Comments sorted by
  • iuventus said:

    ...now, they look like that waste of space above.

    You do realize that it wasn't actually Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor ruling in ancient times, don't you?

    It was actually Kate Bush. (...and yes, she's actually singing "my pussy queen" in this one. I couldn't believe it either)
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • That was hardly shocking in 1980.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • whispered said:

    Just to tie those two together, in 2000, Gove denounced the Good
    Friday Agreement as a ‘moral stain’, a ‘capitulation to violence’ and a
    ‘denial of our national integrity’. He defended the comments last year.

    After May and the press attempted to smear Corbyn as a terrorist sympathiser, she is now trying to make a deal to stay in power with the political wing of loyalist terror.

    A moral stain indeed.

    Totally reckless. NI's government is already in jeopardy, this puts it past being in the red. Nationalists and Unionists will never be able to share power if one side is biased towards the British Government who are supposed to remain neutral. Theresa Wheataflakes knows this but is just too arrogant to care.

  • Low said:

    whispered said:

    Totally reckless. NI's government is already in jeopardy, this puts it past being in the red. Nationalists and Unionists will never be able to share power if one side is biased towards the British Government who are supposed to remain neutral. Theresa Wheataflakes knows this but is just too arrogant to care.

    The London Review of Books blog contains a couple of good posts on this in recent days here

    And here
    Post edited by whispered at 2017-06-14 05:05:50
  • The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • This is from your Hammond dude and, I think, typifies the low brow, well, stupid, ignorant view of the far right that culminates in someone so obviously out of touch with reality as Trump.


    He said he understood people were tired of the "long slog" of spending cuts, but added: "We have to live within our means and more borrowing... is not the solution."

    "We have never said we won't raise some taxes," he said, but added that overall the government wanted to keep them low.

    The government's plan remained to clear the deficit by the middle of the next Parliament "in a way that's sensitive to the needs of the economy", he added.

    They only really care about the wealthy.  The wealthy are filling their ears with the type of nonsense that suits them becoming wealthier.  Which, in reality, is not that much worse that the nonsense from left's version or the middle or any politician for that matter.  They just don't have the inclination to think.  It confuses them.  And, since I just mentioned it lately, I'll say that they should read future shock.  All in all, politicians are dumber than a bag of hammers.
  • Ah, the long anticipated return of the Tory scum thread.
    This explains a lot!
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • I am not a violent man, but I hope Donald visits the UK and feels the full wrath of an angry mob. He gets off far too lightly, he's never felt the consequences of his actions. God, wouldn't it be cathartic to see news footage of him trying to dodge flying bottle and random debris?

    No? Just me?

  • My phone and INternet are probably already hard-wired to the federal government--so, yeah, why not?

    So, is Tory Scum anything like Dole Scum?
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • The return of the Tory Scum thread. You had better pull up a chair as the depth of their scum has fathomed new levels of callousness. I totally agree with Benjamin in that what is going on, Windrush, the NHS, Brexit, is being facilitated by an incredibly corrupt media. Our newspapers and independant news channels are in the ownership of extreme right wing billionaires, only interested in making yet more money, and they are prepared to burn all of us to get it. Somehow, just like in the States, they have managed to manipulate certain groups of people, the xenophobic, racist mouth breathers to a large extent, and direct their disappointment in who they are and what they have achieved, against everything else; Europe, POC, the left wing, the NHS incredibly, and they are currently riding that wave to wash all opposition before them. Until the good people of the UK wake out of this stupor, things will not get any better. Bitterly disappointed in the BBC. It is currently, and blatantly, a Tory propaganda machine.
    Post edited by Urban_Tribesman at 2018-05-02 05:47:21
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • I do not joke when I say that this is how Facsist dictatorships start. May's Goverment voting themselves the right to bypass the house over Brexit negotiations? Bungling the DUP £1B to prop up their minority government? Without that, Nay would have been in the dustbin of history months ago.
    Stand up and take a bow DUP, you could just be enabling the distruction of meaningful democracy in the UK!
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • One of the things that has passed largely unnoticed in the UK headlines is that, as part of Brexit, Downing Street is retracting some of the powers that had been devolved to the Welsh and Scottish Governments - recentralising power.

    Meanwhile, of course, they continue with the strategy of cutting funding for state-run support services such as the NHS so as to undermine our support for the whole concept of collective welfare. Our NHS now runs on a shoestring and the survivors of the Grenfell Tower are still in temporary accommodation, because "we can't afford it", whilst we continue to make arrangements to allow corporations to avoid tax and give grotesque subsidies for private companies to run welfare services
  • Have you noticed it is now not uncommon for papers such as the Sun, Express and Mail to be given away free?
    Their circulations have dropped noticeably and this is one way they can still report that their readership is still healthy. People are onto the right wing zealots I think, which is why the right wing is so determined to weaponise the xenophobic and the racist and, let's be honest, the gullible poor who buy into 'it's not your fault your life is so shit, it's all those migrants, taking all the jobs, demanding benefits'. It's the old trick of telling people what they want to hear and promising them milk and honey if they only hold the line and vote for them. Really, anyone the wrong side of forty should know better. Torys are only after one thing, power and the cash they can screw out of it.
    Not saying Labour is the answer. To be honest, .I am not a traditional Labour voter, coming from a right of Centre family of Tory voters ( my Father was a wine merchant, how middle class is that!) but there has to be something better than the corrupt shitstorm we have now.
    We just need the public at large to wake up and smell the coffee and realise they are being played. Perhaps a kiss from a Prince?
    Post edited by Urban_Tribesman at 2018-05-02 07:33:17
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

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