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  • 279 Comments sorted by
  • This song from Muse, Animals, seems to sum it up for me. The lyrics escalate through the verses; 'buy yourself an Island' then 'buy yourself an ocean' as the protagonists reward themselves for their greed. Best part are the end lyrics when things finally implode and they lose it all, 'kill yourself, Go on, do us all a favour'!
    We can but hope that fate awaits some of these cretins.

    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • We're on the same page after all. Th aberration runs so deep that we don't even recognize it.
  • The problem is wider than the Tories as I truly believe that England is fucked on a deep level, but they are the immediate danger. They're at their most dangerous and incompetent right now.

  • Low said:

    The problem is wider than the Tories as I truly believe that England is fucked on a deep level, but they are the immediate danger. They're at their most dangerous and incompetent right now.

    Exactly. And they would like nothing better than for decent people to say, "Ah, they're all the same, I'm not bothering to vote". UKIP and the extreme right has faded recently only because the Tories have shown that they are perfectly willing to act on their behalf. A citizenry that opts out of politics leaves the way clear for them to remove every protection from the environment, health, housing, welfare rights, wages, the poor and the discriminated against, so that their class can strip every public and common asset from the rest of us.
  • A big problem in England is that most of the young (under 40s) don't vote. Just the opposite with the old and the dying, who turn up in droves at the polling stations to vote Tory, egged on by the overwhelmingly right wing press
  • So, as I asked UT, who do you vote for? I see nothing but incompetents in many countries. There was one guy in France but he seems to have faded. It goes far beyond parties.

    Oh,yeah, and would it be pro-brexit or as anti-brexit?
    Post edited by Whickwithy at 2017-05-03 14:32:42
  • You think brexit is the problem? It goes much, much deeper. In the U.S., this is happening on almost a daily basis. Yes, I know, crazy Americans. It's true, but the point is that there is something fundamentally wrong. It's just creeping back up on us, once again. Mankind is going crazy as it does every hundred years or so. So, vote for who you will and good luck with that.

  • I'm probably as cynical about politicians as you are, WW. and I agree that the problems run far deeper than single issues like which trading block we are part of etc.  But it's not an either/or question.

    We should be working on the deeper issues all the time, but when the chance comes to vote, do that too.

    Because there really is a difference between being governed by a party which - for example - recognises that women's refuges should be funded from taxation, that workers have the right to self-organise, that money shouldn't determine life chances and a party that doesn't.
    Post edited by whispered at 2017-05-03 16:06:55
  • I have to add, w, that it is all tied together. In the U.S., which of course I know better, there are an enormous number of financially hurting people. I really don't think it is any different in the U.K. When that happens, throughout history, the overwhelming concern of the masses becomes their own welfare and all of the niceties get thrown under the bus. Fix the wealth divide and you alleviate the antipathy. That is very unlikely to happen because the wealthy (especially those that are ruthless and money obsessed because they are obsessed with the money and the influence to make sure they get more) have the influence and the power. David said the right words but I consider it very unlikely they have either the wit to see the enormity of trainwreck coming or the will and the wit to find a way to avoid it.
  • I agree, WW
  • Interestingly, May said at the beginning that there would be no general election until 2020. She is obviously going for one in 2017 because she is advised that it is an easy win and a slam dunk to increase the Tory majority in the HofC. However, one thing we have learned in the last year is that opinion polls can get it drastically wrong and, in embarking on this course, she has taken the win for granted and opened the tiniest crack of opportunity that could yet be her downfall. I doubt it, personally, but the rising tide of criticism and plotting on social media sites is epidemic.
    Fan those little embers into massive flames !
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • I'm happy to see that UKIP have lost all their seats in Lincolnshire this am. Not so good to see that the Tories have taken them...
    I'm so angry Corbyn didn't step down as leader, Labour might stand a better chance without him at the helm ( though I do respect his policies personally).
  • I'm going to be giving my vote to a donkey- strong and stable leadership!
    Or was it an ass?
  • That "strong and stable leadership". Hasn't anyone seen "V for Vendetta???

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