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  • 279 Comments sorted by
  • I like Colonials as a term of indearment for Yanks. Don't call us Limeys though !
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • Everyone is trying to convince us that the Tory party is the only choice in the forthcoming election, and that Theresa May is the kind of strong yet compassionate leader that we need. She is the "unsung hero of equal marriage" says Pink News.

    Wake up, people! It's the same old Tory party, and May is a traditional opportunist, Tory. Her voting record (against the repeal of Section 28, against equalising the age of consent, against adoption by same-sex couples) changed only after it became clear that David Cameron favoured equal marriage and to get on she'd have to follow the leader. Just to make that clear, in 2014, May presided over the asylum system that still tries to deny LGBT asylum seekers from violently homophobic countries rights to remain on the basis of a "go home and be discreet" basis. And of course, she has pledged to withdraw the UK from the European Convention on Human Rights.

    Please vote and kick the Tories out. Thank you.

  • Makes you despair when you see members of the public being questioned for an " opinion" in the street doesn't it? I swear the majority of people, if they make a choice at all, make it on the basis of who has the nicest suit, best haircut etc. the average person isn't remotely clued up about or interested in policies, they just want someone, anyone, to blame for the next round of inept government.

  • Quite. May has chosen a very smart approach - "Back me against Johnny Foreigner". As if she is the representative of the poor, the sick, the struggling, the disadvantaged rather than doing it ALL to make sure the rich, the privileged, the megacorporations, her kind of people, stay on top.
  • Reasons to vote against the Tories #8,394

    * At this month's scientific conference on the Badger "cull" (Toryspeak for "mass killing programme"), it was widely agreed that the killing programme so far has probably increased the transmission of bovine TB, and that the vast majority of TB is transmitted directly from herd to herd. Meanwhile, the Tory Party ministers have lied about the effectiveness of the programme to date, and promised to increase the killing. Their policy is a direct defiance of the science, as well as cruel and immoral.
  • Reasons etc #8,395

    Former banker Theresa May's so in touch with ordinary people, of course. Her personal wealth includes:

    * a million-pound pied-a-terre in London
    * a 4-5 bedroom house in a Berkshire village, estimated value also around £1m
    * a £200,000 salary for being PM and MP (she will be entitled to a pension based on half this when she leaves office)
    * Her husband is a senior executive at investment fund managers the Capital Group, which owns £20 billion of stock in tax avoiders Starbucks and amazon.com, amongst others

    So when she talks about understanding the financial difficulties faced by pensioners, the disabled and those on the minimum wage, rest assured she knows what she is talking about. Because she and her friends are the ones who've got all their money.

  • #8,425 And, on Andrew Marr's program today, she showed no compassion for Nurses who have been forced to use food banks because of a 14% real term cut in their salaries since 2010, and face a further cut of 12% over the next 5 years if the 1% cap on public sector pay rises remains ( which it will if the Tories get in again while MP's salaries continue to rise approx. 10% per year).
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • Even I'm getting tired of people railing on poor Tory Amos. Sure, she's a Kate Bush wannabe. Sure, most of her songs are just a lot of noise. Sure her lyrics are self-indulgent and brimming with mixed metaphor. Sure, her signature piano humping (actually stolen from Kate, but taken to the pornographically ridiculous) might appeal to pubescent boys and horny college boys...

    Wait, where was I going with this?
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • Some years ago, I worked with a charming girl whose first name was Tory. Her Father was a complete c**t obviously. I also had a pal whose wife was a headmistress and a true blue Tory. He used to say she would vote for a pig if it had a blue rosette on it!
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • I wonder, is Teresa May actually a sim? She's actually made a career of doing and changing nothing, which in normal times might be a good quality for a politician to have. Only we're facing growing crises in housing and health/care which need urgent action but her govt is doing nothing about. 
  • What I find interesting is that on social media, it is a tidal wave of condemnation of Tory policies. The odd head pops above the trench to offer support for May, but it is a total blitzkrieg on her policies from nearly every other quarter. How do you defend capping NHS workers salaries to 1% for so long while taking inflation busting pay rises yourself? How do you defend the countless examples proving that the funding into the NHS has been systematically reduced over the last 7 years, increasing waiting lists and threatening the closure of A & E Depts across the country, that are already struggling to cope with the pressure bought about from a near total collapse of effective care in the community, leading to the inability of wards to discharge patients MFFD (medically fit for discharge) home, which leads to bed blocking?
    But still, it is predicted that the Tories will be returned with a larger majority than now. You have to wonder, where are the Tory faithful on social media and just what would the Tories have to do to lose at the moment.
    I think they should bring back slavery. That might do it. Oh, hold on, that's a bit like working in the NHS at the moment.
    Post edited by Urban_Tribesman at 2017-04-30 19:13:02
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Labour seems to be as deluded & anti EU as Tories? So the basic choice is to die from syphilis or from cholera? Lib Dems are the only reasonable UK party?
  • I voted to stay in the EU but, the most important tenant of democracy is, when you lose the vote, you lose. By all means, regroup to fight another day but you respect the democratic decision. That aside, Tory policies are currently in serious danger of completely dismantling the welfare state which is there to protect all the citizens of the UK and these should not be sold off to the highest bidder so that they can profit from the misfortune of others. It started with the railways, then the utilities and now the very health of the nation? Some things have to be sacrosanct. There is an unprecedented amount of corruption at the very heart of both local and national government at the moment and the aspirations and greed of those that govern us seems to know no bounds. They are emboldened by their successes to date and their aspiration Appears to be without limit. They have to be stopped and the right to govern the people entrusted to those that will respect it and do it for the people that honoured them with the duty in the first place, rather than behave like pigs with their noses in the trough of opportunity.
    Post edited by Urban_Tribesman at 2017-05-01 17:00:22
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

  • "They have to be stopped and the right to govern the people entrusted to those that will respect it and do it for the people that honoured them with the duty in the first place, rather than behave like pigs with their noses in the trough of opportunity."

    Do you have someone in mind? STDs seem a good correlation for the whole political mentality to me, right now, for both our countries, if not most of the modern world. It's an ongoing avalanche of bizarre attitudes that seems to creep up on us every century or so. Society loses its mind and we're back close to square one (not quite since we don't carry around guns in holsters any longer - oh, wait! That's just England.). Anyways, civilization is clearly taking a step back, as per the agreement between the daft and the ruthless.
  • It's easy at the moment to blame the Tories in the U.K., as they have been in power for some years, but I think the problem is wider than that. Avarice and greed are everywhere at the moment, but particularly in the circles of power that govern both our countries. The opportunity to further enlarge the already enormous coffers of the super wealthy seem paramount to their very being. We seem to have so many exploiting every opportunity for their own ends; so few philanthropists willing to harness their vast wealth for the benefit and advancement of their fellow man. I mean, if I had a billion in the bank, I would be well aware that my ability to spend it in my lifetime would be impossible. I could live like a king but still have more money than I could ever hope to dispose of so why not use that opportunity to make a real difference? To save the Elephants and the Rhino. To fight poverty among your fellow humans? To cure Cancer? The opportunities are boundless. The will to make such a gesture, for most, absent.
    That there are so many soulless social vampires like Richard Branson and his ilk in the world saddens me.
    I hope there is a special spot in Purgatory reserved just for them!
    Post edited by Urban_Tribesman at 2017-05-02 16:01:12
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

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