Urban_Tribesman said:it was a long and difficult birth Hazim but glad you finally made it. The invites were down for nearly a month but we persevered!
Posting vids and photos is difficult on here. If this was YouTube, I would know what to do but Vimeo is a new one to me. Both vids above have a direct link in them but getting them to imbed will be a challenge.
If possible, copy them to YT as posting from there is easier, and can be explained if necessary.
Urban_Tribesman said:I'm viewing on an IPad. If I post a vid from YT, it will work if you click on it but it will not imbed. To make it do so, I have to modify the post to include www at the start, change YouTu.be to Youtube and after the /, add watch?v=
An example
Not sure what you see, but on an IPad, the first one is just a hyperlink. In the 2nd, following the alterations, it is embedded and can be played directly of this page.
KatRobin said:Neoaladdin- I've just watched these- superb! Do you work in the video industry?
KatRobin said:Good luck to you neo. Maybe you'll be working on the next Frapp video set, who knows...?
KatRobin said:Sounds like a new religion. crumbs, everyone look busy- Neo is coming!!
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