HorseTearz said:Hate to be a Debby Downer but I feel like this long stretch between the release of 'Anymore' and the new album could backfire. It feels very 15 years ago. I know some artists still tease albums in these long pre-release campaigns, but they're often huge-selling A-listers for whom the long tease is a strategic advantage. I adore Goldfrapp and I know they have a fiercely loyal audience, but beyond the Supernature era, they've never been huge.
Is there really going to be a second wave of press and media interest months after the first single and, apparently, well after some journalists have already heard the album? It feels like this campaign has lost momentum and we have until the end of March before the album itself is out. I mean, look at the video. The official audio has (and probably will continue to have) more views on YT than the official video because of the long wait between the two. Ah, well, I guess that's Mute's problem. My only mission is to enjoy the music and hope they have some West Coast gigs in the US.
HorseTearz said:Hate to be a Debby Downer but I feel like this long stretch between the release of 'Anymore' and the new album could backfire. It feels very 15 years ago.
Gaelen said:
I totally agree.. I caved and listened to clips, and I feel like SE will be more of a cross between BC and HF. Wasn't really getting any Supernature from the clips. I absolutely loved HF so that has me excited. Systemagic was also giving my Scissor Sisters vibes.
Gaelen said:They will return, look at vinyl. Dead as a Dodo about 10 years ago, nobody was interested in the stuff - these days it's mainstream.
HorseTearz said:but I feel like this long stretch between the release of 'Anymore' and the new album could backfire.
Urban_Tribesman said:Rocket was beneath them.
Whickwithy said:
What seems bizarre to me is that the last album was leaked. So, why in the world would they take so long with this one? I guess they must be feeling pretty confident, for some strange reason, that it won't leak.
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