We wanted you all to be the first to know that we are performing an intimate one-off show at the Trinity Centre in Bristol next Sunday, June 23rd. Tickets are available now right here in very limited numbers, so make sure you grab yours before they go.
Post edited by Halloween_Jack at 2013-07-05 04:06:28
"Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore" "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
In amongst all the good news sorry to hear that! Everybody says this when that happens but it turns out to be true a lot of the time - something WILL come along and things will be ok. May not seem like it on the day as I can testify to from a couple of months ago but when you least expect it the worls finds a way to balance things out.
Thank you! I have a slight hope that it will all be sorted out by the time of the gig :)
Although it says a lot about my priorities in life - when I got the e-mail about tickets I was walking to a job interview (with 5 minutes to spare), immediately stopped right on the street and purchased the ticket on my phone, and only then continued on to the interview.
Its a world-over talk during Goldfrapp concerts scenario , previously (in the shows I`ve been to) I think they didn`t pace their set correctly , 2 slowies or even oldies in a row invites those who can`t shut up for five minutes to talk - not Goldfrapps fault , but not helped by them either . I don`t talk during gigs full stop , even if I was on fire .
...BUT , in the last few years , there seems to have been a massive influx of a new type of fucktard who think gigs are social events to talk anytime , to take phonecalls in the middle of a set , to phone friends and invite them over to where they`re standing , then wave and jump up and down , usually with a shitty pink Blackberry in their hand with enough Bling on it to make Mr T cry with shame.
Post edited by Sartori at 2013-06-17 15:58:14
"Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore" "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
It was a bloke who drummed his heart out in Train and I loved him for it :)
"Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore" "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
Looks like holding back from Manchester paid off for me , King of Woots . The short time means touts will struggle to get tickets and send them out double woot . Ticket bought , its riding on the back of a sleek racing cat to my front door as I type .
"Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore" "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
.....ps havent told the wife I`m going yet , my next message might be from under a railway bridge
"Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore" "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"