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Greenwich Music Time - 21 Aug 2014
  • 403 Comments sorted by
  • Hello VF. What a great idea! Thank you.

    I'm in N/E B5 (tic courtesy of Alex :-) ) and Jayne, t'other half is in S/E C28.

    looking forward to the big group shot!

    Mark and Jayne
  • Updated with the latest couple of additions.  

    I know there are others going that haven't been on here yet as well as others on twitter etc who don't use the board, so there will probably be a fair few more additions between now and August! I'm going to run out of colours! 
  • I shall be in N/E S25 with my cousin.  Worst seats I've ever had for a GF gig :( Couldnt afford the better ones
  • Fine work, Sally.

    Laura & I are in NE F5&6. Just a couple of seats along from KatRobin :)
  • Great! Do say hi Keith >:D< . Xx
  • Updaaaated :) 
  • Mine's:
    Block: S/E - Row: A - Seat: 7

    Formerly known as alex_t.
  • Minsku said:

    I have N/E row R & seat 14. 

    So, in other words, worst seat ever! :|

    I win! I'm in Row S just along from you :)

  • I win! I'm in Row S just along from you :)

    Maybe we should both invest in a good pair of binoculars? ;)

    It's going to be so odd not being able to see Alison properly! Last year in Amsterdam and Brussels I was lucky enough to get in the front row. Too bad this particular gig has to be seated...
  • We all went through the pre sale link that came out on Twitter did we not?
    How come we are seated like someone threw darts at a seating plan on the wall? I noticed the same thing at Brighton this year. GMBers were all over the place.
    Maybe we are sleeper units to get sections of the crowd going. Perhaps I watch too much Sci Fi. (Can you watch too much Sci Fi? )
    Post edited by Urban_Tribesman at 2014-05-15 18:00:42
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • UT perhaps you should read this book I'm poring over about conspiracies- I see you're as paranoid as me lol! Think I'll start a new thread.
  • We all went through the pre sale link that came out on Twitter did we not? 

    I actually don't think we did.  Or at least I know a few people did the whole "How much?! I'm not paying that!" and then came back later and bought them because they realised they couldn't miss out, and it's not really all that much money compared to other tickets either (well if you just bought a banded ticket rather than all the fancy VIP thingies).
  • ^ I did the 'how much?!' thing. Then brought tix just a few weeks ago.
  • Yay, I'm pale green :)
    Formerly known as alex_t.
  • You were nearly fuchsia! I'm running out of recognisably different colours! 

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