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  • 530 Comments sorted by
  • Oh i am very excited. The Rugby League starts tonight. Wigan v Huddersfield. I am watching at 8PM.
  • Winter Olympics.

    I started really enjoy watching the BBC Red Button channel (probably same on web broadcasts) when there is a break in between heats.

    There is no commentary or music but they continue with the filming of the crowd, venue, staff, etc.. with enough audio to hear the whats going on at the venue. Such a break from our fast paced, constant talking, backing music, funky graphics filled TV. Nice just to people watch. It so strange that most people will turn off but I am fascinated by it. :-)
  • The red button is brilliant. Say you miss something live. Like the 6 Nations it is on non-stop. Well i have been told. Luckily i have not had to miss any yet. And there is always good music festivals etc on. To think i used to slate the BBC. They are not that bad.
  • I watched that new show/pilot/TV Movie 'Babylon' the other night, I have to say I wasn't blown away. It might have worked better as a straight cop show, as I just didn't find much funny in the armed siege, demonstration for Kurdistan, this kind of thing. It was OK I guess, and I would probably tune into watch as a series perhaps, but I didn't find it particularly  groundbreaking.
    It's a re-creation
    Again I live another life
    My imagination
    Can't cross the borderline
  • Watching Arsenal v Bayern tonight. Now that will be a great game. Cannot wait. I am supporting Arsenal tbh.
  • Is anyone else watching HBO's True Detective?  I'm not fully caught up (just finished episode 4), but I already think this is the best drama HBO has produced since The Wire.  Considering the amount of work involved, it's stunning to me that every episode is written and directed by the same two fellas.  Everything about this show is dead on.  The writing, the direction, the cinematography, the music (by T. Bone Burnett) and the acting -- especially Matthew Mcconaughey's brooding, troubled detective.  It's not surprising to me that the show's creator and sole writer is a former novelist.  The show is bold and ambitious as a densely packed, richly observed novel.  Damn good television.  
  • ^ I know quite a few people who have seen most episodes of 'True Detective' so I'm avoiding their tweets. Episode 1 just screened on Sky Atlantic last Saturday & was compelling stuff. I'll be watching every week.
  • Keith, it just gets better and better.  I'm up to episode 6 and I cannot wait for the debut of ep 7 next week.  
  • Accidentally started watching Parks And Recreation on BBC4. Bloody brilliant! Not generally a fan of US comedy but love this. Brilliant characters. Ron is a god! :-)

    It's the third series (apparently the first was poor) but i am absolutely loving it!!!
  • ...also new series of Stewart Lee. Genius as always!
  • Accidentally started watching Parks And Recreation on BBC4. Bloody brilliant! Not generally a fan of US comedy but love this. Brilliant characters. Ron is a god! :-)

    It's the third series (apparently the first was poor) but i am absolutely loving it!!!

    They referred to it this series when they were off their heads ill - hunt down the episode with the gay penguin marriage . I laughed and hurt myself .

    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
  • Sartori said:

    They referred to it this series when they were off their heads ill - hunt down the episode with the gay penguin marriage . I laughed and hurt myself .

    Saw the one with Ron's ex wife ...brilliant!
  • I've just finished watching series 4 of 'The Good Wife' and now am bereft with nothing to watch.  Suggestions please?! (If it's on netflix all the better haha) 
  • I am amazed that a show as good as The Good Wife airs on network tv in the US (as opposed to a cable network where nearly all the quality dramas are produced).  It's definitely the best network tv drama in the US since the beautiful Friday Night Lights.  

    @VisualFallacy  - I imagine that the UK Netflix and HBO Go selection aren't identical to that of the US versions, but perhaps some of these?
    The Killing -- the US version -- very diff. from the original
    Orphan Black
    The Fall
    Breaking Bad
    Mad Men
    The Returned
    The Americans

  • ^ Thanks :) I only recently got into the Good Wife (I'm talking a month ago!) I just sat down and watched loads all in one go... once I started I couldn't stop.  I have absolutely no idea what the difference is with your network and cable TV so I'll just grin and nod haha. 

    Don't get me started on how poor UK Netflix is compared to the US version. I keep trying to hack my apple tv so I can get the US netflix, it'll let me look at what's available but I can't play it :(

    Ahh Damages... I watched the first series when it aired on UK tv but completely missed it when they showed the second (it was put on at a ridiculous time of night) so I think I'll watch that from the start next. 

    I've seen Mad Men up until season 5 (I don't think it's on our netflix) and I have to say I only ever watched it because everyone raved about it, I watched it that long to see when it was going to 'hook me in'... it never did :( 

    I've seen a mixture of the others, but there are a few there I've not even heard of! I'll investigate, cheers! 

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