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  • 896 Comments sorted by
  • Just can't believe people in my office are moaning saying " where's this great storm were supposed to be having?". How insensitive and try saying that to the families of the two people who have lost their lives in the storm. Dickheads!
  • I waded through the flood water to get to work today. Wellies tomorrow. I felt lucky as my block had not lost power etc.
  • Bloody hell!! What's with the Halloween overdose this year? Turn the TV on your've got supermarkets shoving it down your throats, Facebook full of it (don't know why my friends keep sharing it with me as they know I hate it) kids out in droves trick a treating. Fuck off you little shits and get to school and get an education! You want sweets, get them of your benefit sponging parents instead of begging for them from complete strangers. I've been at work all day and want to come home and rest instead of having to answer the door every 5 minutes to bloody kids. Bastards!! ~X(
  • Eh H-B i was just going to say, We have been in for 10 minutes after going trick or treating. They got loads. A couple of quality items too. It is just a bit of fun. I do see H-Bs point though. Anyway she will not fall out with me anyway because we are both Anna Calvi fans.
  • Bloody hell!! What's with the Halloween overdose this year? Turn the TV on your've got supermarkets shoving it down your throats, Facebook full of it (don't know why my friends keep sharing it with me as they know I hate it) kids out in droves trick a treating. Fuck off you little shits and get to school and get an education! You want sweets, get them of your benefit sponging parents instead of begging for them from complete strangers. I've been at work all day and want to come home and rest instead of having to answer the door every 5 minutes to bloody kids. Bastards!! ~X(

    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
  • Well you miserable things. 

    only joking.
  • Sartori said:

    Bloody hell!! What's with the Halloween overdose this year? Turn the TV on your've got supermarkets shoving it down your throats, Facebook full of it (don't know why my friends keep sharing it with me as they know I hate it) kids out in droves trick a treating. Fuck off you little shits and get to school and get an education! You want sweets, get them of your benefit sponging parents instead of begging for them from complete strangers. I've been at work all day and want to come home and rest instead of having to answer the door every 5 minutes to bloody kids. Bastards!! ~X(


    LOL Ive seen that a lot on FB even from people who love Halloween!!
  • cw36frapp said:

    Eh H-B i was just going to say, We have been in for 10 minutes after going trick or treating. They got loads. A couple of quality items too. It is just a bit of fun. I do see H-Bs point though. Anyway she will not fall out with me anyway because we are both Anna Calvi fans.

    Your very confident on your response sir using Ms Calvi as your defence  :-B
  • Bloody hell!! What's with the Halloween overdose this year? Turn the TV on your've got supermarkets shoving it down your throats, Facebook full of it (don't know why my friends keep sharing it with me as they know I hate it) kids out in droves trick a treating. Fuck off you little shits and get to school and get an education! You want sweets, get them of your benefit sponging parents instead of begging for them from complete strangers. I've been at work all day and want to come home and rest instead of having to answer the door every 5 minutes to bloody kids. Bastards!! ~X(

    Oi, relax Hells !  YOU FOUND YOUR TICKETS TODAY !!!!!!!
    Doesn't that make up for those miserable shits knocking at your door?

  • Yeah. Stress and rage diminished once tickets were sorted!
  • Mini rant.
    I find it quite distressing that on TV in adverts that one minute they can show the pure gluttony of Christmas with family's spending a fortune on food they don't really need (albeit gets wasted) and then the very next advert shows starving children in Africa.
    It's not the adverts being shown it's just the bad timing of showing them together. Stop pandying to the uber rich supermarkets and concentrate on the millions of children round the World that yet again will spend another Xmas cold, hungry, homeless and even parent less. ~X(
  • My rant is about BT buying Champons League rights. Sick of that channel. They have got both the Mersey derbies. We will be back in the Champions League next season and every year after that. No doubts there. I am not so sure we will be able to get it. We do well to flamin afford Sky. I am going to begin to get my confidence up and love myself and go into a pub near us. If not go to the Amateur Rugby League Clubhouse (Leigh Miners) Or i will seriously miss out. Like i did a few weeks ago when we played the Geordies. Although i get to see the full 90 minutes of every Reds match on the Club channel. That is the day after though.
  • ^
    Yes bloody BT. Putting customers rental charges up in January to have to pay for that. Should be investing that sort of money on their service!!
  • Watching the trailer for Lars Von Triers latest excretion, it's so unbelievably pretentious looking i could feel my IQ dropping. How the hell can anyone, anywhere, consider THIS any sort of art? Even the snobbiest of art snobs must surely just go "Really? Sex, that's all you've got to offer? Woop de doo, i think the porn market beat you by a fair few decades". It enrages me that money gets spent on crap like this. You can make a movie and not bother including a story, god knows plenty of movies like that exist, but don't act like it's some deep experience that's so high brow only the most intellectual suckups will understand it. It's junk, you've got nothing to say and nothing to offer, get back to basics and re-learn how to write something compelling without resorting to pathetic pissy "shock" tactics.
  • I love his work.
    If I were dead, could I do this?

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