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TOU Press Reviews
  • 159 Comments sorted by
  • ^ That's a better one. :)
    Be patient.
  • LuDux said:

    This one uses curse words, like "Café Del Mar"

    Good grief that is shoddy.
    '' Sometimes I think I've felt everything I'm ever going to feel and from here on out I'm not going to feel anything new, just lesser versions of what I've already felt ''
  • Latest issue of freebie mag NARC:-


    Thats a good review by a Frapper.
  • Don't know if its been mentioned yet but Metacritic has a page for TOU now and it's scored at 74 out of 100 (granted it looks like that is off only four reviews so far).

    Would be lovely to see that number go up.

  • The Album Of The Year website has a page up for Tales Of Us as well now, but no reviews as yet. There are a few (not too great) user ratings (not that any of it matters really). The page can be found at -


    Any Decent Music has a page as well. Average rating based on a five reviews are 7. Here's the link -

    Post edited by Archway at 2013-09-04 01:49:46
    I hope that you die in a decent pair of shoes
    You got a lot more walking to do where you're going to.
  • LuDux said:

    This one uses curse words, like "Café Del Mar"


    haha.. have to admit that is a pretty pointless review.  The reviewer obviously has 2 many 'now thats what i call chill' albums!

    Then again the NME is pretty much the smash hits of the 'twenty tens' now.

  • Then again the NME is pretty much the smash hits of the 'twenty tens' now.

    I 'obtained' the last couple of digital issues of NME and they was only just worth the £0.00 they cost me. I understand entirely that I'm no longer their intended demographic but compared with the olden days there is just so little actual worthwhile writing in there. It's all flashy box-outs and tie-ins and 1cm square items about what trainers a bass player is wearing, all seemingly targeted at people they assume have no attention span.
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • I honestly wonder just who IS the demographic for NME anymore, because they're just so all over the place that it becomes something that pleases no one. I actually wonder that about quite a few publications actually.
  • I struggle with the UK music mags. They just seem to have become so irrelevant. The NME is terrible and Q had got zero credibility.

    Mojo is more serious and the reviews better compared to Q and NME, but it is very much there for the "old guard". Personally I'm tired of seeing The Beatles etc. on the cover and having articles about 60s and 70s groups. Mojo comes across as a bit nostalgic at times.

    I haven't quite worked out what Uncut is trying to do or to be. They don't really seem to offer anything different, but at least they aren't Q or NME.

    I love The Wire, but that is really for experimental, avant garde stuff.

    I don't mind Music OHM (http://www.musicomh.com/).

    Post edited by Archway at 2013-09-04 11:08:43
    I hope that you die in a decent pair of shoes
    You got a lot more walking to do where you're going to.
  • Couldn't agree more on all that. I do have a lot of time for The Wire as it happens to fit my wonky tastes but the rest do seem to be preaching to either the already converted or the frankly uninterested.
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.

  • I 'obtained' the last couple of digital issues of NME and they was only just worth the £0.00 they cost me. I understand entirely that I'm no longer their intended demographic but compared with the olden days there is just so little actual worthwhile writing in there. It's all flashy box-outs and tie-ins and 1cm square items about what trainers a bass player is wearing, all seemingly targeted at people they assume have no attention span.

    ...ooh squirrel
    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
  • CLASH was great (especially for new music) but a year or so ago it went all fashion centric and seems to pick bands that were more style led than music lead. They still have a great monthly download of new bands mind.

    I miss SELECT. Last good glossy music mag. Was a bit britpop lead at times (but they were the times) but had the right balance of new and current. There was also a good one (small format) that had links to XFM.

    I suppose magazine are a dying thing. I just pick up THE FLY. Great for a free music mag.
  • All the music mags have gone down in quality. The best one is Kerrang. Although i do not think there are many people into Rock and Metal on this forum. Even that is aimed at teens. Like i have always said, Its about my taste not somebody elses. Though i do love it when someone else praises Frapp.
  • I suppose magazine are a dying thing. I just pick up THE FLY. Great for a free music mag.

    The Fly, NARC & Loud And Quiet are three regular grabs for me. Loads of places in Newcastle have them piled up each month.
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.

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