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Premiere of 'Tales of us' at Manchester Int Festival, July 17/18 2013
  • 932 Comments sorted by
  • @mrfozzie
    Pretty bad, they even gave out water bottles in the front. Judging by the forecast it's going to be even hotter tonight! :-S
    Formerly known as alex_t.
  • @Mrfozzie super super hot!!
    "its MY favourite song"
  • alex_f said:

    Pretty bad, they even gave out water bottles in the front. Judging by the forecast it's going to be even hotter tonight! :-S

    Yea im supposed to be going but this heat is,frankly killing me already
    :-&so may just pass on this one
  • You might want to wear shorts and tshirts guys. There is no air conditioning. And if you have ticket stubs or flyers (grab the flyers in the Q!) you will need them to fan yourselves. Not joking!

  • mrfozzie said:

    Yea im supposed to be going but this heat is,frankly killing me already
    :-&so may just pass on this one

    @mrfozzie: if you're not going i'd be very much interested in your ticket
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    "I think it is our job to dream"
  • I've been to hotter gigs and in a mosh but I was younger, it was more discomfort of sweat rolling down body parts than anything else for me. Just take water and regularly drink some (to jealous looks around you) , the toilets are in the basement ie go down before you go up um...oo- er.
    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
  • But a good sweat is so healthy for you... I love a good one.

    With all the talk of sweat and tea, I'm almost sorry I didn't go. I mean, next someone's going to mention good music, or something.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • Shorts sounds good.... Lovely venue but its a real sweatbox.

    Excited for round two tonight!

    Anyone knocking about beforehand in town?
  • All this sweat talk is going to bring on my anxiety really bad :(
  • Why hun? It's just typical summer indoor perspiration!
  • It's the smell I'm bothered about. Me not anyone else :-\"
  • Bells said:

    It's the smell I'm bothered about. Me not anyone else :-\"

    Powder yourself well with cornstarch.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • So its hot in there ?  Speedos and flip-flops then.
  • Alison on Twitter adviced us to come sans clothing - I'm not going inflict my nudity onto the public, but I'd quite like see some of the guys I saw at the gig yesterday in speedos or without! :D
    Formerly known as alex_t.
  • any queue news Alex?
    "its MY favourite song"

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