Welcome to the new Goldfrapp forum. Enjoy your new home! X
  • 3229 Comments sorted by
  • Feeling happy...

    I've heard some new material by Goldfrapp and they are in my city right now....

    I want today to zoom by really fast.....
  • Feel ok, Just had a cheque from the insurance company with the final settlement for the car accident from last Oct. Makes all the hideous physio pain worthwhile. At least I can draw a line under THAT now.
    '' Sometimes I think I've felt everything I'm ever going to feel and from here on out I'm not going to feel anything new, just lesser versions of what I've already felt ''
  • *hug* for Cervus :)
  • I feel a bit out of it, i had one of those annoying nights where it feels like you've just shut your eyes for 5 minutes but somehow 6 hours passed by. Events of the year so far are stuck front and center in my mind, it's just been between extremely shitty and extremely good, no middle ground, and one side (not the good one) outweighs the other pretty well. I just have to hope (and push) for the other to catch up so i wind up somewhat equal at the end of the year.
  • well, i didn't go in today. spent most of the day trying to get through to HR. talk to them about my rights for my holidays.

    basically i used to do continental shifts. so three on, three off. anyway, while at work i booked three days off in between two sets of three days off. equaling nine days off altogether.

    before i go back, i want them to honor that i get this time off, as i have made plans.

  • Kiyuri said:

    There's a job going at my place! New girl started today. Two and a half hours in she left for a break and didn't come back.

    thats happened at my place a few times. and i've found new staff crying in cupboards. 
  • Looking forward to heading up to the gig tomorrow and catching up with old forum friends. :-)

    Slightly nervous about the journey though.
  • well, i didn't go in today. spent most of the day trying to get through to HR. talk to them about my rights for my holidays.

    basically i used to do continental shifts. so three on, three off. anyway, while at work i booked three days off in between two sets of three days off. equaling nine days off altogether.

    before i go back, i want them to honor that i get this time off, as i have made plans.

    Handy tip. Don't trust anything HR tell you thick bunch of bastards.
    Your faithfully
    Hells Bells
    HR Administrator :)]
  • ping said:

    thats happened at my place a few times. and i've found new staff crying in cupboards. 

    That is an image I shall store in my memory banks to access if feeling down and need a laugh. Crying in cupboards :))
  • Cervus said:

    Feel ok, Just had a cheque from the insurance company with the final settlement for the car accident from last Oct. Makes all the hideous physio pain worthwhile. At least I can draw a line under THAT now.

    Clap on the back for the closure . 

    Today I am making procrastinating an art form , I haven`t even checked my clothes or anything is ready for tomorrow , phone charged NO , mp3 player charged and filled NO , clothes decided on or found NO , train ticket dug out NO . I shall wing it like my name is Barry "Budgie Wings" McGee . I feel 0% stress for stuff like this ............ my Mrs is doing it by proxy though and any second now will nag tell me to get sorted me into next week .
    Post edited by Sartori at 2013-07-16 15:46:34
    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
  • Bells said:

    That is an image I shall store in my memory banks to access if feeling down and need a laugh. Crying in cupboards :))

    in all fairness i've hidden in cupboards at work a few times, though usually to either jump out at someone or get out of work. i'm not normally in there for a cry.
  • Have had a shit day, probably culminating in losing one, possibly two, really good friends I care about and have known for a long time. At this very second I just want to crawl under a duvet but it's way too warm to do that. Will hope tomorrow's journey sees me cheer up or I'm going to be really crap company.

    Cut me some slack, folks, if I seem a little off my game.
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • Oh poor Carpy. A lot of shit going round at the moment with different people and various reasons. Think of tomorrow and put today behind you if you can.
  • Oh Carpy I'm so sorry to hear that. Try and focus on how wonderful these concerts are going to be!
  • Yep Carpy, hopefully the next couple of evenings will help take yr mind off stuff

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