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  • 1875 Comments sorted by
  • Mirror, mirror on the wall, all I see is your own reflection.
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • Yeah because that's how a mirror works?
  • Anarchy

    The popular connotation: 

    a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.

    Other definitions:

    absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal. (of course, this presupposes that human society has finally become sane).

    Anarchy is the condition of a society, entity, group of people, or a single person that rejects hierarchy.

    Or, as I like to put it, mankind will have reached a critical pinnacle when no one desires to be a leader or be led.

    Post edited by Whickwithy at 2018-03-15 08:49:09
  • So let's simplify this a bit as it's getting a bit wordy.

    Alison isn't a royalist or believes in the notion of a government. Well then I'm an anarchist too.
  • You've got it.  The people running the government wax and wane between slightly above the intelligence of a duck to dumber than a bag of hammers.  I actually would pick a Monarchy over any other form of government, as long as you could oust the occasional lunatic.  At least those people are trained to the position from birth to rule with manners, courtesy, etc.  It's just that lunatic in too much of a narcissistic position that causes problem.  Geez, awful verbose lately... but, yeah, government sucks.
  • Oh, yeah, and probably skip the inbreeding...
  • Could always get Meghan and Harry running the country. Every hour in a bar would be a happy hour. Selfie culture will go through the roof.
  • You've got it.  The people running the government wax and wane between slightly above the intelligence of a duck to dumber than a bag of hammers.  I actually would pick a Monarchy over any other form of government, as long as you could oust the occasional lunatic.  At least those people are trained to the position from birth to rule with manners, courtesy, etc.  It's just that lunatic in too much of a narcissistic position that causes problem.  Geez, awful verbose lately... but, yeah, government sucks.

    You still need government
    I take the needle off the Technics and put it in my vein
  • LuDux said:

    You still need government

    Sad, isn't it?

    One day, no one will desire to be a led or be a leader.
  • LuDux said:

    You still need government

    Sad, isn't it?

    One day, no one will desire to be a led or be a leader.

    You still need someone to pave roads, run schools and hospitals, etc
    I take the needle off the Technics and put it in my vein
  • I'll agree with paving the roads and healing people, not much else.  
  • Do you not believe in education then WW?
  • I think it's the management of Education systems that's in trouble and well being of staff that is at risk. Not enough being done to protect people from stress and burn out.

    Look at the NHS as a prime example of colossal failure. I'm telling you now. No child of mine will become a nurse, doctor or teacher if I can help it.
  • The NHS is not failing Sen, it is being failed by Government. Since 2010, funding into the NHS has been squeezed ( as it has in virtually every other state run body such as schools, Police, Fire Service and Community Care) despite the story being spun by MP's. They will tell you that funding for all of these is at a record level, which is true as, overall, funding has not gone down, but what they cover up is that in the NHS for example, funding has to increase by 4% a year to offset a rising population, an increasingly ageing population (more Octogenarians, Nanogenarians and Centarians than ever before) and the cost of providing new drugs that are being discovered (leading in part to the increasing life span) and inflation on existing drugs. Instead, the funding into the NHS has only risen since 2010 by an average of 1.5%, which has left a huge gap in finances. Add to that the fact that the Tories took away the nursing bursary, which was a financial incentive for young people to start nurse training, and a total pay freeze on NHS salaries between 2011 and 2015 and then just 1% per year to date and you now see why the NHS has 1 in 10 vacancies and is missing approx. 100,000 people from its optimum staffing level. Then add Brexit, and the fear that people from abroad will no longer be able to come and work in the NHS, and even these people who make up about 10 - 15% of clinical staff, and you can see why it is in a mess.
    I know because I worked there for many years in a role that controlled budgets. Every year since 2010, we were asked to provide CIP savings (cost improvement) of 3% per year, year after year. It got to a point where there were no more savings or 'efficiencies' that we could offer and the only way to achieve our budgets was to cut services. We do not have enough beds for people who need them and community care has been decimated under this administration, so a lot of people with mental health issues are suffering and the incidence of suicide in this group is on the rise, having previously been falling.
    The NHS is s great place to work, it just needs Government to fund it properly. Perhaps start with that £1billion 'bribe' that they gave the DUP so they could stay in power. This week, they voted to remove free school meals from the poorest kids. The DUP backed them on the agreement that it would not happen in Northern Ireland.
    Corrupt or what?
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • That's worth saying again. The DUP voted with the Conservatives to remove free school meals for poor kids in England, Scotland and Wales as long as they remained in their patch, Northern Ireland.
    DUP care about free school meals in N. I. but not in the rest of the U.K. The Conservatives don't give a fuck about free school meals anywhere and put up with them staying in N.I. so that they would get the vote through. After all, none of their kids probably qualify as Daddy's too rich with all the inherited wealth, bungs, backhanders and directorships he has as well as his MPs salary.
    How do you sleep with that on your conscience ?
    Time to take action!
    Post edited by Urban_Tribesman at 2018-03-16 07:34:35
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

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